ETV’s target has always been to propose winning solutions in order to allow the customers to obtain the optimum result and be competitive on the market.

Thanks to the experience developed in more than 50 years of activity in contact with the worldwide textile machinery manufacturing, the instruments engineered and manufactured by ETV allow the control and the automatic adjustment of the machines through the measurement of the main processing parameters.


The modular system SFERA PLUS is the best solution for the drying and finishing process, as it allows to know the exact residual moisture percentage (HYGROBOX), or the extact temperature of the fabric (THERMOCONTROL), or to control the exhaust fumes (HYGOAIR), and at the same time to automatically adjust each working process.

ETV’s continued focus on innovation brought the company to have technologically advanced devices that guarantee better quality, energy savings, production waste reduction, elimination of reprocessing, collection and storage of the production data, versatility and optimization of the production flows.

Besides the online controls, ETV produces a portable instrument to measure the residual moisture on fabrics, yarns, and fibers. HYGROFASTER-e is precise and fast, adaptable to different situation and handy. It has different probes for different measurements.