
The European industry meets in Brussels


The EU project PROsumer.NET presents its final results at a large-scale high-level conference on 27-28 May in Brussels. PROsumer.NET, which was set up as a collaboration of five European Technology Platforms, has developed future scenarios, a research roadmap and innovation policy recommendations for the European design-based consumer goods industries. Contrary to conventional belief, European companies in sectors such as textiles and clothing, leather and footwear, sporting goods and consumer health products, wood or ceramic-based interior products etc. are intensive users of advanced materials, manufacturing technologies and ICT as well as constant non-technological innovators. PROsumer.NET worked out the key innovation trends affecting all these sectors and identified and structured research and technology needs in the short, medium and long term.

The event organised by Euratex, the European Apparel and Textile Confederation, coordinator of PROsumer.NET project, and other EU federations and technology platforms supporting the European Consumer Goods Research Initiative follows up on the first such international conference organised in Brussels in 2010.

The full conference programme is available for download at