Morgan Tecnica presents the Ply1 line for the singly ply cutting of prototypes, samples and made to measure garments or for the production in different industries, like furniture, automotive and with special materials.
The use of linear motors allowed Ply1 to reach an exceptional cutting speed (180mt/min) and acceleration (3g).
The multi-tool head and the software for the automatic elaboration of the marker allow the maximum flexibility in the cutting, even with highest accuracy.
The user interface, modern and intuitive, has a dashboard to control all main machine activity continuously and in real time, and the possibility to integrate for the remote programming, the feed-back and the remote maintenance and update.
Thanks to the low energy consumption and the use of low maintenance components – like the linear motors and the special cutting belt, ultra-durable, multi-perforated and with a special grip, to avoid paper and plastic – Ply1 running costs are particularly low.
The cutting and the off-loading belts are modular and available in different lengths, to be combined (when required) with the automatic cradle, tension free unroller and with the Joker labeler, placed on the offloading belt, to label automatically and identify the cut pieces, with customizable labels.
Finally, the line can be completed by the Vision Scan system to scan fabric with prints, repetitions and also to automatically detect digitally printed pieces, directly on the cutting area. The software also manages the automatic check of matching points and the automatic (or even manual) re-positioning of the pieces in the marker, in order to obtain the perfect matching on the fabric, according to the actual repetition, to the eventual off-grain, by shifting the pieces in X and Y, by rotating them or even by distorting them.