Schärer Schweiter Mettler Moved its Chinese Branch to Cuiheng New District


SSM_ChinaSSM Schärer Schweiter Mettler, the Swiss yarn and winding machinery manufacturer, announced the successful relocation of SSM Zhongshan Ltd. to the newly created Sino-Swiss (European) Industrial Park (SSIP) in Cuiheng New District, Zhongshan, the Chinese high-tech region Pearl River Delta. SSM (Zhongshan) Ltd., which manufactures and assembles winding machines for the Asian market, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of SSM AG. The foundation of SSM (Zhongshan) Ltd. underlines the strategic importance of the Chinese market as well as enabled shorter delivery times for the Asian market.Besides the manufacturing and assembly operations, SSM (Zhongshan) Ltd. also functions as a logistics base for spare parts. This includes an electronics repair centre with highly skilled personnel and state-of-the-art equipment; capable of handling all electronic circuit boards and components used in SSM machines. The Chinese branch is also equipped with a product showroom that figures as a technology centre for product demonstrations, customer-specific trials and product development.