Model MPT-R for the tensioning of the trousers



PONYPony based in Inzago, leader for more than 50 years in the production of industrial finishing systems, is able to satisfy the most varied finishing requests in the garment manufacturing industry but also in the field of garment reconditioning after storage and transportation from the production areas to the distribution markets. Specifically for the finishing of trousers, the choice goes from the simple waist finishers to the toppers featuring cross tensioning, anatomic form of the waist and trolley for the pneumatic tensioning of the legs. Particularly interesting is Model MPT-R, with pneumatic devices for the tensioning of the trousers, which is expressly suggested in manufacturing stages where a pre-set size of the garment has to be restored, allowing correction of possible defects made during sewing stages. The machine is equipped with control devices which avoid the garment to reach an extra stretching beyond the pre-set size. Model MPT-S is specifically recommended in those processes where it is necessary to respect the manufacturing size, without modifying it. The waist anti-stretching and the legs pneumatic-mechanical devices, control and eliminate any tensioning on the fabric, which normally tends to loosen when covered by steam during finishing. Through the optional device, it is also possible to finish stretch fabrics without any risk.