
Ideal combination of speed and versatility


OptiMax OptiMax by Picanol represents one of the best rapier weaving technology available on the market. It was a boost in 2011 when the Belgian company presented also a positive gripper version to complete the offering of its rapier platform. Furthermore, this technology is still representing a real milestone, since it has been produced in 20,000 items. Thanks to its modular and future-oriented design, it can be adapted to a wide range of conditions, which means that it provides weavers with a great deal of flexibility in reacting to changes of market requirements. The machine offers the ideal combination of considerable versatility and highly productive weaving and features components that are designed for higher operating speeds and optimum productivity. With speeds of up to 700 picks per minute, it is one of the fastest industrial rapier weaving machine in the world and it has an installed base at more than 800 customers in over 50 countries.