
From Italy to the world: no more secrets in the cutting room


R&D and customer satisfaction: a perfect combination

Morgan Match Pointer

The Morgan R&D department is continuously working on new projects, so that the current Morgan range of products is one of the largest and most complete in the industry. The new projects are the result of several different inputs collected by the R&D staff. «The first input comes obviously from the end user», explains Federica Giachetti. «In some cases the customer can specifically ask Morgan, who is well known for its flexible and customer oriented policy, for a customized solution able to solve a particular problem or satisfy a certain need. If we think that this solution could provide an advantage for other users, it is added to the Morgan standard product range. In other cases, our analysts observe and compare the different ways in which the same issue has been approached and solved by different users in different companies in the world. All these know-how, coming from the users’ individual experiences, expertise or simply out of their smartness, are then summarized by our staff in a new technological solution (hardware and software). This is what happened, for example, with the Match Pointer».

Another important input for new projects comes from the analysis of the data feedback provided by Morgan machines in the cutting room. In fact, by reading between the lines of the report documents automatically provided by all Morgan spreaders and cutters, their analysts can easily identify the areas of the process where the efficiency should be improved, in terms of fabric or time savings, so that they can design a new software or a new machine accordingly. «This is how some of the most advanced Morgan solutions were created, such as the software for automatic roll end optimization on the Twist spreader to minimize the fabric final remnant from each roll, or the multi-level conveyor table to optimize and balance the spreading and cutting time. But, above all, this is how we created the new automatic numbering machine, able to optimize one of the most inefficient operation in the cutting room».

«Our main goal is satisfy our customers. We do it by designing the solutions that we believe can bring the best benefits to the user, in terms of fabric and time savings, in terms of quality of the output and in terms of reliability; by the way, Morgan cutters have 3 years warranty. Since the very beginning we did not choose the easiest and “cheap” solution, but opted for a long term project of building a reputation of quality and reliability at the right price for each product, and the results proved us right. We also try to satisfy our customers by putting special care and attention to the service and support: before sales, when we offer our know-how to choose the best suitable solution and configuration for each installation, and, obviously, after sales, when we make sure that the customer is always able to operate with the highest level of performances. In any case, we strongly believe in the importance of a human contact between the technology supplier and the end-user, in order to build a real partnership that is profitable for both sides».

Foreign and internal markets

Export represents more or less the 95% of Morgan business. «We started our branch office in India right at the beginning, 5 years ago, and that was a very successful choice. At that time it made things more complicated, but we decided to develop a business plan for a long term project, avoiding any easy shortcuts, which could have disturbed the final goal. Through our branch office in India we have been able to let Morgan become a top leading brand in all the major South Eastern countries and we are starting to do the same thing in the American Continent».

The Italian market is anyway crucial for Morgan, unfortunately not much in terms of turnover,  but very much in terms of research and references. Even though many manufacturers moved the production abroad, Italian companies are still the most demanding in terms of technology and customized solutions and this makes them the most important references for the international garment manufacturers, who are still looking with maximum respect to their Italian competitors», states Federica Giachetti.