American & Efird

Creating a Sustainable world – thread by thread


American & Efird (A&E), one of the world’s leading manufacturers of sewing thread, embroidery thread and technical textiles for worldwide industrial markets, announced the release of its Sustainability Report.

The report reflects the company’s continuing commitment and leadership in environmental sustainability and social responsibility. «We’re proud that our latest sustainability report shows greater cumulative results from the impact of our efforts and investments», said John Eapen, Vice President Environmental, Health & Safety/Sustainability at American & Efird, «We’re particularly proud of our zero liquid discharge plant in Perundari, India, the water conserved by A&E’s global operations during a year could supply 15.5 million people in India with fresh water for a day». A&E uses critical data to scrutinize its engineering protocols, equipment specs, and emerging technology, with the express purpose of upgrading systems and continuing its trend in greenhouse gas emission reduction. In the past 6 years some good results have been achieved as far as: Global Carbon Footprint, more than 9% reduction in greenhouse gas; water conservation, 16.8% improvement in water conservation, more than 2.1 million cubic meters of water have been saved. Energy conservation,A&E has saved 85 million kW/h of electricity, equal to the annual consumption of 18,213 European families.