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Fabrics: A Comprehensive Overview of Foreign Trade

For Italian weaving mills 2014 began with a recovery after sales were down 2.4% in 2013; let us consider in detail the role of external transactions of fabrics "from" and "to" Italy in the first ten months of 2013 and which countries took the lion's share

More Space to Sustainability

The focus on sustainability is not a mere marketing strategy, it is and undeniable asset of the business strategy for companies that aim at improving their product life cycle and becoming socially responsible

Is Russian taste closer to Europe?

The tеxtile and clothing industry has a long tradition in Russia. But how has it changed? Which is the perception of the Made in Italy? Anastasia Buchinskaya, a young fashion designer that is now launching her own collection of scarves from natural silk, gave us some answers

World Yarn and Fabric Production up

According to the data released by ITMF, global yarn production increased in Q3/2013 as a result of higher output in Asia, North and South America. Also the global fabric output was up as a consequence of higher production in South America and Asia and despite lower output in Europe