Arioli Group: from finishing to digital printing


The Arioli Group was established in 2012 with the merger between Arioli S.p.A., Brazzoli S.p.A. and MHM GMBH, globally recognized as the technological references in their respective fields of application.

The integration of the three companies has enabled the Arioli Group to broaden its competences by designing and launching new technical solutions on the market, ranging from finishing to digital printing, from rope dyeing to printing  finished garments, satisfying market demands.

Brazzoli, born in the late 60s, is globally recognized as a major landmark in high technology rope dyeing machinery, offering customers a solution for every type of product and need.

The new Ecologic Plus technology

Thanks to the introduction of the new technology of Ecologic Plus, rope dyeing machines, Brazzoli has recently registered a significant increase in sales, consequently ending the financial year in a positive way and establishing a fruitful collaboration with the leading worldwide fabric manufacturers.

Equipped with the highest production and quality standards, the Ecologic Plus dyeing machine is able to guarantee high performance thanks its mechanical reliability and reduced maintenance time, meeting various  customer needs.