Monti Antonio

A new generation of foiling calender


Monti Antonio’s experience of over 50 years in the field of thermoprinting and laminating allows the company to apply its technology for the construction of their famous hot cylinders to a new generation of foiling calenders. Starting from all the main characteristics  of its products (hot cylinders, very even temperature controls, long life and heavy structures/technologies) the company designed a new version of  “Super Pressure” foiling calenders able to work in the following applications: special effects, “pailettes”, crystal film and microdots onto leather, synthetic leather, knitted and woven fabrics as well as other substrates, both in continuous as well as in pieces.

The models 93 SP and 93 SP BELT represents the maximum in  terms of flexibility and productivity and can be the solution for all those customers who want to extend their business in other applications.