Dietze & Schell Maschinenfabrik

A Fully Automatic Precision Cross Winder


alfaThe fully automatic precision cross winder DS Alfa, presented by Dietze & Schell Maschinenfabrik, is used for rewinding and assembling of synthetic threads and for yarns made of na¬tural fibres. This machine can be used for a yarn count range up to 50,000 dtex as a wide choice of material specific thread guides are available. Based on the machine equipment, cylindrical bobbins can be produced. Each winding position is installed in a separate frame. These frames can be combined to a production line with a central input terminal. The compact design permits operation even on little space, due to single head construction. DS Alfa is designed for permanent operation. The modular design allows to adapt the machine exactly to every individual production requirements.

Among its main features we can mention:

–              Yarn count range up to 50.000 dtex.

–              Max. package diameter 305 mm.

–              Max. machine speed: depending on spindle diameter (max. 2400 rpm).

–              Traverse mechanism for cylindrical packages (optional taber winding).

–              Winding width (traverse) up to 305 mm.

–              Thread tension by dancer arm.

–              Separately driven feeding device.

–              Mandrel for tubeless packages.