Italian Fashion Chamber

Mario Boselli president for the fifth term


Mario Boselli has been re-elected for the fifth time president of the Italian Fashion Chamber. The renovation project presented by Mario Boselli, the result of the contributions of the members of the outgoing Board of Directors and qualified entrepreneurs, has been heartily approved by the assembly. Members have appreciated the content, and in particular the innovations related to the direct involvement of some protagonists of the fashion world, the new governance that involves the introduction of prominent business people, and the changes in the statute of the Association that will also allow the appointment of a Chief Executive Officer. The board of directors, made of 17 members, will include such names as Patrizio Bertelli, Renzo Rosso and Diego Della Valle.

The new mission for the Italian Fashion Chamber, with the new resources, will be: enhance the leadership of the Chamber as point of reference for the Italian fashion. Promote the role of Milan in order to answer the react to the challenge launched by the other fashion weeks (New York, London and Paris) and be the first contact with governing, regional, city institutions.