European SMEs Go Digital

laptop, business technology

laptop,  business technology

The European Commission’s “Integration of SMEs in global digital value chains” initiative launched in 2009 aims to help SMEs facilitate trade along digital value chains through a boost in the smart use of ICT and electronic data. It consists of a number of tools collected on online platforms tailored to industrial sector needs.
The conference “Fostering SMEs growth through digital transformation” to be held in Brussels on the 2nd July  is the final event of the initiative and will highlight the benefits for SMEs when integrating digital value chains, explain how the uptake of ICT in different sectors has changed the way business is done, and what the opportunities and challenges are for European industry going forward.

The event will bring together key people from business organizations, regions, Member States, and European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) Managing Authorities. It will focus on the following topics:

  • A first hand perspective on the uptake of ICT in the different sectors.
  • Matching best practices and market needs for smart use of ICT for SME digital transformation.
  • The benefits of smart use of ICT for SMEs – showcases from different companies.
  • The second wave of advanced digital technologies – new opportunities and challenges.