Communicating the Future of Man-Made fibers


dornbirnThe 53rd Dornbirn Man-Made Fibers Congress taking place from 10th to 12th September 2014 will accentuate lectures and issues that have a determining influence in future. The traditional plenary session will be followed by a section of individual lectures on global strategies in a changing world. There will be some changes in the programme structure: a break is foreseen in the plenary session and the total number of lectures was slightly reduced. Both changes are supposed to favour communication and networking. The main theme ”Global Strategies for a Change” will deal with some of these decisive factors of success. Another new main theme is the extended section of ”Key Technologies”.

“Communicating the future of man-made fibers” will be the motto of the event that will focus on the following main topics: fiber/filament innovations (Oil- and Bio-based Fiber Raw Materials, Carbon Fibers, Functionalities,  Waste Management…); nonwovens/filtration; automotive (Transportation – Train/Ship/Air); key Technologies (Finishing, Coating, Spinning/Extrusion…); global strategies for a change (Market Specials/New Business Models) . The 53rd Dornbirn Man-made Fibers Congress (MFC) is organized by the Austrian Man-made Fibers Institute and supported by the Brussels-based European Man-Made Fibers Association (CIRFS). The complete programme is available online