In 2016 Orders for Italian Textile Machinery Rose by 4% Compared to 2015


The orders index for textile machinery compiled by ACIMIT, the Association Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers, for 2016 compared to 2015 registered an average increase of 4%. Domestic sales were up significantly, rising by fully 14%, confirming the vigour of the Italian market. Foreign markets recorded a more contained increase in orders (+3%). The outlook for 2017 appears to be dynamic, despite the current geopolitical uncertainties. For its part, with the support of the MISE and ICE-Agency, over the course of the year ACIMIT will continue to push forward in promoting internationalization, as over 20 Country/markets will be the object of promotional initiatives aimed at the penetration of Italy’s textile machinery sector. Among these initiatives are projects laid out for Sub-Saharan Africa and Iran, both areas in which ACIMIT is insistently promoting its activities for growth.